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Produsen: Omron Automation and Safety
Kategori Produk: Safety Relays
Lembar data: SR203AM01
Deskripsi: SR202 INPUTS 3 OUT
Status RoHS: Sesuai RoHS
Atribut Nilai atribut
Produsen Omron Automation and Safety
Kategori Produk Safety Relays
Seri SR203AM
Fitur -
Kemasan Bulk
Coil daya 2W
Status bagian Active
Arus Coil 83.3mA
Coil tegangan 24VAC/DC
Formulir kontak 4PST-3NO/1NC (3 Form A, 1 Form B)
Waktu rilis 15ms
Jenis pemasangan DIN Rail
Bahan kontak -
Tegangan switching 230VAC, 24VDC - Max
Penghentian gaya Screw Terminal
Harus operasikan Voltase -
Voltase rilis harus -
Suhu operasi -5°C ~ 55°C
Rating kontak (saat ini) 3A

Dalam stok 5 pcs

Harga refrence ($) 1 pcs 100 pcs 500 pcs
$386.10 $378.38 $370.81

Permintaan Penawaran

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Menemukan Bargain

Carlo Gavazzi Inc.
Omron Automation and Safety
G9SB-301-B AC/DC24
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SICK, Inc.
SICK, Inc.
Carlo Gavazzi Inc.